
Divorce and Financial Aid: Some Things You Should Know

Divorce and financial aid are a topic of conversation for many families. About 60 percent of children live in households with both biological parents. This blog post is for the other 40 percent. What Gets Reported on the FAFSA Only the income and assets of a custodial...

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Are College Scholarships Worth the Hassle?

Many students and parents want to know if college scholarships are worth the hassle.  After applying for a large list of colleges, writing the Common App and numerous supplemental essays, and navigating the elaborate FAFSA process, do you really want to sit down and...

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Addressing the Opportunity Gap — It’s What We Do

The achievement gap turns into the opportunity gap, which then turns into the income and wealth gap. College admissions counselors -- or consultants, as they often like to be called, generally don’t do much to address the opportunity gap.  They justify charging...

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